Mental Health & Wellbeing

This page is for people interested in exploring mental health. If you or someone you know is in CRISIS please seek immediate help at is please contact the Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust on: 0800 151 0023


What is mental health?

The World Health Organisation suggest the following:

Mental Health includes a sense of identity and self-worth; sound family and peer relationships; an ability to be productive and learn; and a capacity to use developmental challenges and cultural resources to maximise development. Good mental health in childhood is a prerequisite for optimal psychological development, productive social relationships, effective learning, and an ability to care for self, good physical health and effective economic participation as adults.

Mental health in children and young people (WHO, 2005)

At MHCHS we recognise that fostering good habits for Mental Health is an important part of student wellbeing. Our students are interested in developing and maintaining positive approaches to Mental Health.

Mental health and Wellbeing at MHCHS

The Mental Health strategy at MHCHS is underpinned by the eight principles identified by Public Health England.

Mental Health is a continuum, and it can change over time just like physical health. Mental Health can worsen but with help it can also get better just like physical illness.

In school we promote a culture where everyone feels comfortable talking about Mental Health.

Barnet Resilient Schools Programme

Recently we undertook a review in conjunction with Barnet’s Resilient Schools (RS) Programme that reflected upon the wellbeing provision we offer.

The Resilient Schools Programme seeks to promote whole school awareness of wellbeing, mental health, and resilience across the borough. As result of this review, we were one of the first schools within the borough to receive the Resilient Schools Kitemark in recognition of our dedication to ‘whole school approach’ and the impact this has had on our students, staff, and parents.


The DfE know that there is link between mental health, attainment, and behaviour. For students to reach their full potential students have to be encouraged to develop positive mental health strategies.

We discuss wellbeing and mental health regularly at school. On Wednesdays, all students take part in activities designed by their Head of Year to foster greater wellbeing. We also promote positive mental health in assemblies and through timetabled PSHE lessons.

Recently we have been looking at adopting positive mental health traits. Self-care for strategies for students can be found here:

However, these activities are not a substitute for seeing a mental health professional. Sometimes we need outside help and advice. Getting help is good. No-one should feel bad about it.

In school students will receive support regarding their wellbeing from the pastoral team. When appropriate we also utilise our SEMH Mentors and some external services to further support students. If students need to talk to someone, they can talk to a trusted adult in school such as their form-tutor, use the mentoring hub drop-in service, or use online services such as Whisper or Kooth.  

To enable the school to continually refine our wellbeing offer we also ensure students complete an annual survey and have opportunities to provide additional feedback through their Head of Year.


Parents can support their children in many ways, but parents should also remember that they need to take care of themselves first so that they can provide support for their children.

The research is very clear that parental support and engagement with school leads to better outcomes for children.

In school we often use the resources provided by the Anna Freud centre to address issues around Mental Health. You might find the resources they produce for parents useful.

This free online course might help you feel better equipped to answer your child’s questions about mental health:

Barnet MECC

In addition to this, a recently updated MECC (Making Every Contact Count) resource provided by the Barnet Resilient Schools team offers some helpful links to external services for schools and families to support children and young people's mental health. 

Barnet MECC Information Sheet