My child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) how do I apply?

There is a separate admissions process for children with EHCPs.  Your child’s caseworker or your Local Authority SEN Team can explain the EHCP application process to you.  If you are applying for a secondary transfer place at MHCHS, it is not necessary for your child to sit our aptitude test(s), as their scores will not be taken into account when applying.

How many students will you accept in year 7?

The Published Admission Number for year 7 entry in September 2024 is 243 (two hundred and forty-three).  

The Published Admission Number for year 7 entry in September 2025 is 243 (two hundred and forty-three). 

The Published Admission Number for year 7 entry in September 2026 is 243 (two hundred and forty-three). 

What is your present oversubscription criteria for in-year admissions?

Should a place become available, the following criteria will be used, in the order given below, when considering which children to admit:


  1. Looked after children and all previously looked after children including those children who appear to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order).

  2. Siblings

  3. Children of members of staff of Mill Hill County High School

  4. Proximity to the school

Please read the Admissions Policy For 2024 entry for full details of our oversubscription criteria.

What is your oversubscription criteria for year 7 entry from September 2025?

Where applications for admission into year 7 from September 2025 exceed the Published Admission Number, the following criteria will be used, in the order given below, when considering which children to admit:

  1. Looked after children and all previously looked after children including those children who appear to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order).

  2. 90 pupils on the basis of geographical proximity

  3. Siblings as defined in our Admissions Policy 

  4. Children of members of staff of Mill Hill County High School, as defined in our Admissions Policy

  5. Up to 24 Technological aptitude, 24 Musical aptitude and 12 Dance aptitude places 

​Please read the Admissions Policy For 2025 entry for full details of our oversubscription criteria.

What is your oversubscription criteria for year 7 entry from September 2026?

Where applications for admission into year 7 from September 2026 exceed the Published Admission Number, the following criteria will be used, in the order given below, when considering which children to admit:

  1. Looked after children and all previously looked after children including those children who appear to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order).

  2. 90 pupils on the basis of geographical proximity

  3. Siblings as defined in our Admissions Policy 

  4. Children of members of staff of Mill Hill County High School, as defined in our Admissions Policy

  5. Up to 24 Technological aptitude, 24 Musical aptitude and 12 Dance aptitude places 

​Please read the Admissions Policy For 2026 entry for full details of our oversubscription criteria.


Can I apply under more than one criteria?

Yes, you can apply under as many criteria as are relevant to your child. If your application is unsuccessful under one criteria then your child will be considered under the following criteria that you have applied under.

Is there a catchment area?

There is no set catchment area, with Criterion 2 – 90 places are offered on the basis of Geographical proximity to the school, the distance changes every year depending on who applies to the school and where they live.

Below are the distances offered places on National Offer Day:

2025 - 1.230 miles

2024 - 1.078 miles

2023 - 1.343 miles

2022 - 1.314 miles

2021 - 0.947 miles

2020 - 0.948 miles

2019 - 0.927 miles


How do I find out how far I live from the school?

The Admissions Team in the Borough of Barnet use a specific software that measures from the Headteacher's Office to your front door in a straight line. You can contact them by telephone 020 8359 7651 for this. Please do not use Google Maps as this measures by roads.

Should siblings take the Aptitude Tests?

Siblings are not required to take the aptitude tests. All applicants, who have an elder sibling who is on the school roll at the time of the closing date for applications to the school, and who is permanently resident at the same address, will be offered places.

Do you have any ‘feeder’ schools whose pupils take priority?

We do not have any ‘feeder’ schools.

Do I have to live near the school to take an Aptitude Test?

We do not take into account where a child lives when offering places under criterion 5 - Technological Aptitude, Musical Aptitude and Dance Aptitude, other than in a tie break situation where more than one child has the same score.

What if I miss the deadline for applying for an Aptitude Test?

We advertise our registration dates on our website and we inform all Local Authority Barnet, Haringey, Hertfordshire, Camden and Brent LA primary schools. I am afraid that we are unable to accept any late registrations.


Aptitude Tests are not compulsory, you will still be able to apply for a school place under any other applicable criteria.

I have not received my Unique ID Number when registering for an Aptitude Test, what should I do?

First check your junk mail as the confirmation email may be there, if it is not there please send an email to the Admissions Officer (admissions@mhchs.org.uk) from the email address used to register your child and they will resend any necessary emails to you.  Please note that this must be done before the registration deadline.

What if I lose/forget my Unique ID Number and/or Aptitude Test details?

Please send an email to the Admission Officer (admissions@mhchs.org.uk) from the email address used to register your child and they will resend any necessary emails to you.

Do you make any provision for children with Special Educational or Medical needs taking your Aptitude Tests?

Yes.  If you consider that your child may be disadvantaged under the terms of the Disability Discrimination Act or has special educational or medical needs which require the school to make particular provision for the aptitude tests, you must provide professionally supported written evidence of your child's needs from your child’s current school and/or a medical professional.  This evidence must be sent immediately after registering for the test(s) quoting your child’s Unique ID number. In order for special arrangements to be made, this information must be received by deadline specified in our Admissions Procedures document. You will be informed in advance of the test of any appropriate special arrangements that will be made for your child.

What should I do if my child is ill on the day of the Aptitude Test?

Pupils unable to attend aptitude tests because of their own illness will require a medical certificate/note; in such cases alternative arrangements may be made. Medical certificates/notes must be received within 5 working days of the missed test.

What happens if my child complains that they felt unwell during their test?

It is the responsibility of parents to decide if children are fit to take the test. Once the test has started, it is not possible to take medical or other concerns into consideration, marks cannot be adjusted and tests may not be re-taken.

Is there somewhere I can wait for my child while they sit the Technological Aptitude Test?

On the Technological Aptitude Test day there is no parking available, no waiting facilities or toilet facilities for parents or siblings of students sitting the tests. Parents must drop their child off at the specified entrance and leave the site returning to collect their child at the stated time. Please respect our neighbours when visiting the school.

Do I have to rank Mill Hill County High as my first choice to be offered a place?

Schools are not informed of where parents have ranked them when applying for secondary schools. You are advised to rank according to your true preference.

I have missed the deadline for applying for a place in year 7 from September 2025 what should i do?

You need to urgently contact your Local Authority to seek advice as to how to proceed. Applications received after the national deadline, 11.59pm 31st October 2024, will be considered in keeping with the "Late Applications" arrangements set out in Barnet’s application literature as part of the Co-ordinated Admissions arrangements.

When will I find out if have a place in year 7 at Mill Hill County High School?

For year 7 entry in September 2025 your Local Authority will inform you which school your child has been allocated on 1st March 2025, or the next working day.

For year 7 entry in September 2026 your Local Authority will inform you which school your child has been allocated on 1st March 2026, or the next working day.

Our child has not been offered a place, what can we do?

Parents/carers have the right to appeal to an Independent Appeals Panel against the School's decision not to offer a place to their child.

For information and advice on appealling for school places please click here

You must state the reason for your appeal on the form and submit any supporting documents before the appeal in order that all parties may be able to read and give proper consideration to your supporting evidence before the appeal.

The Clerk will inform you of the date and time of your Appeal hearing as soon as possible after the receipt of the online Appeal form.

Should an independent appeal be unsuccessful, the Governing Body will not consider further appeals within the same academic year unless there have been significant or material changes in the child's circumstances.

Can I visit the school?

Outside of our Open Evening the school does not offer ad hoc visits as this is very disruptive both to the pupils and staff and the restrictions we have regarding the school premises generally.

Is there a school bus my child can use?

There is no school transport.