Mill hill 034

Friends of MHCHS

Main Committee Members

Clare Harding - Chair

Joyce Ogidan - Treasurer

Nicole Winestein - Secretary  

Jo Hart - Vice chair

Meeting Dates

All meetings are normally held on the first Tuesday of each month via Zoom with some exceptions. 

Fundraising Planning:       Tuesday 7th November 2023

Parents' Forum:                Tuesday 5th December 2023

Funding wish-list Vote:      Tuesday January 9th 2024

Parents' Forum:                Tuesday February 6th 2024

Fundraising Planning:       Tuesday 5th March 2024

Parents Forum:                 Tuesday 7th May 2024

Meeting:                            Tuesday 4th June 2024

Supporting the PTA

Every penny that we raise or receive from parents and friends are spent on the students at MHCHS. Over the past two years we have:

Paid for the mirrors in the new Dance Studio

Bought 10 Ripple Tanks for the Physics Department

Sponsored the Royal Institute Science Show

Bought 10 laptops to help students who do not have access to technology for online learning

Regular Donations

If you would like to make a regular contribution to the PTA, you can set up a Standing Order and contribute whatever amount you wish to give. If every parent contributed £5 each month, we could raise £4,500 per month - that equates to £54,000 per year!

The PTA’s Bank Details are:

Name: The Mill County High School Charitable Trust

Sort code: 23-05-80

Account number: 48496776

Bank : Metro Bank

If you are making a setting up a regular contribution, please let us know at:

Company Give as You Earn Scheme

Your company may also offer the Give as You Earn Scheme. This will allow you to make a regular contribution from your salary and save on your income tax too. Please check with your company information. 

Our Charity no. is 282098


As the Friends of MHCHS (PTA), we want to ensure that our school continues to have at its disposal the means to deliver the best education possible for its students. Therefore, we have been looking at fundraising opportunities which fit in with people’s busy lifestyles and help generate additional financial resources for the school.

This is why we are working with

Easyfundraising is a cash-back service (with no cost to you) which will take 1-2% of every purchase you make and send it to the PTA. Easyfundraising works with more than 3,000 online retailers including Just Eat, Amazon, eBay, Marks & Spencer, John Lewis and Expedia, just to name a few.

Every purchase routed through them generates a small donation to the PTA. Many small donations quickly add up to significant numbers. With 6 participants over one month we have already raised more than £100!

Our target is to raise at least £2,000 this year.

So if you want to support the Mill Hill County PTA in a simple and effective way, please follow these steps:

Join for free

  • Register your details.
  • Start shopping and remember to go via Easyfundraising when you access your favourite online retailers.

You can even register for gift-aid on the contributions you make via this service. This will help us raise even more and you will enjoy an additional tax break if you are a higher-rate tax payer.

Should you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact any member of the PTA.

Fundraising Ideas

If you have any fundraising ideas please do not hesitate to let us know by emailing your idea to:



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