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The Dr Louise James 6th Form Centre
Our former Deputy Headteacher, Dr Louise James sadly passed away in August 2018. She left Mill Hill County High School a significant bequest; it is in her name that we formally opened the Dr Louise James Sixth Form Centre on 30th November 2023.
Dr Louise James was a much- loved and respected Deputy Headteacher of Mill Hill County High School from 1989 until her retirement in 2007. She was originally appointed in 1971 as a teacher of English at Orange Hill Senior High School, one of the three schools that amalgamated to form the new Mill Hill County High School in 1984; at this point she became Head of English in the new School. During the following years, she supported sixth form students both academically and pastorally, through university applications and in 1989, Dr James became a Deputy Head of the School.
Louise James played a significant role in the leadership of the School and was at the forefront of principal initiatives, such as the introduction of IT in schools, and that of creating valuable links between industry and education. She led important developments during her years as Deputy Head and was instrumental in securing Technology College Status for the School in 1994. Dr James worked tirelessly in curriculum development and the raising and sustaining of high standards at the School, over many years. She introduced GNVQ qualifications at A level; oversaw the ‘Leading from the Middle’ programme; Charter Mark awards, and the Local Management of Schools . Louise was instrumental, at Mill Hill County High School, in the setting up and running of the inception of school self-evaluation; developing and supporting middle and senior leaders to monitor and evaluate the work of teachers, to sustain best practice as part of a systemic rolling programme. Dr James was active in the induction and support of trainee teachers and those in their early years of the profession, throughout her career.
Louise James was, first and foremost, a teacher, and as such, she was passionate about the teaching of English and about the progress and support of young people through a top-class education. As a teacher of A level English Literature, Dr James was an expert. She taught lessons that challenged students and gave generously of her time to support sixth formers with coursework writing and was completely invested in the pastoral and academic success of all students.